Ubendran MJ, Web Designer Blog

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Best job in the world

A BRITISH charity worker has won a global competition for ‘The Best Job In The World’.

Ben Southall outclassed 35,000 rivals to win the role as caretaker for Hamilton Island in the Great Barrier Reef.

The 34-year-old will get £75,000 for the six month long part-time job with Tourism Queensland.

Perks include a rent-free ocean-front villa with pool and return air fares.

In between snorkelling and driving his golf buggy round the island he will be responsible for a weekly blog, video diary and photo gallery documenting the wonders of the reef.

Accepting his award today, he said: “I hope I can sell the reef as much as everybody is expecting.”

Work starts in July and his uniform, which he received today, consists of a wet suit and snorkel.

Source: Daily Express

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